PRIVATE: ‘Energy Liens’, Do you have them? and an Interesting Case of Buying and Selling a House

This is the Video Beth found on Youtube

Please Note: what you are about to read has NO direct intention to make you more money, or to sell your house for more money, or suggesting anything else, but to simply demonstrate what you already know, “The Order of Things” and how your Karma and your Energy, and your Emotions, and your Thoughts, and your Actions, are directly affecting your REALITY your Well Being, and every decision, experience, and transaction you are making as every experience OTHERS are having with YOU, and you do not even know about it…

Anyway, here is the latest experience
(Beth is Not her actual name, but as she is still working out the final details of the sale, I used this name to protect her privacy:))

Do You have ‘Energy Liens’ in your life?

In the Real estate world, we may all know of ‘Government Liens’, or ‘Mortgage Liens’ that unless removed, you can’t make the transaction…What we may not have recognized are ‘Energy Liens’, which may be actually holding back your property as your other places in life…

If you never thought of selling your house, here is a really good way to make an extra 75K, this can be a very interesting read:)

This is inspired by one of our new students, who somehow found a video of me talking about how I help Real Estate agents and those who are buying and selling real estate, to turn something that can be very stressful, to a fun and much more lucrative experience…

After getting her personal Energy Diagnosis, Beth found my video on Youtube,
and sent me a concerned e-mail, she was about to buy a new house, but before she did, she had to sell the house she was in…in today’s ‘hot’ market, her current house did not seem to get much attention nor reasonable offers, even though it was on the market for over 30 days…

Not to lose the house that she wanted to buy, Beth needed to sell her property as soon as possible…every day was crucial

I looked at the Energy of the two houses, internally all was great, but there was one thing standing out, the house which Beth has put on the market, had a BIG REFLECTIVE RING AROUND IT…it felt like big shiny fog!

This was very familiar to me

Previously, I asked Beth for the names of the ‘legal owners’ and ‘occupants’ of her house, and that was the first thing that I looked at next…you see the walls of every building, naturally take on the energy of those who own and occupy that space…

In Beth’s case, the energy of both the owners, and the occupants, was very good, but there was that one thing, one of the owners/occupants, LOVED THAT HOUSE SO MUCH, THAT IN HIS HEART, HE DID NOT WANT TO LET GO OF THE HOUSE, HE DIDN”T WANT TO LEAVE

I know, as simple as this may seem, everyone who ever enters, or even considers looking that her house, would feel something ‘stagnating‘, as if ‘frozen in time‘…

That feeling would not be conscious, but both the agents and the potential buyers would feel it!

As a result, the agents may not feel so eager to show this house to their potential buyers, the potential buyers, may not be so eager to come a see it…

You see, in today’s market, when you are selling your house, what you want are ’emotional buyers’, those who simply fall in love with your property…

When that happens, and a few potential buyers, say to themselves: ” I do not know why, I just love this house’, what you will see, is a bidding war, and your house will likely to sell a bit higher than the asking price…

In Beth’s case, the fact that one of the owners did not want to let the house go, as beautiful as Beth’s house was, that ring around her house, that was created as a result, no matter what was done, simply did not give people that “I love this place” feeling…

What does it mean to the bottom line?

Well, Beth’s house would still sell…But with fewer showings, less excitement, and BASED STRICTLY ON PRICE

Well. if we consider that the average price of a home in Toronto is about 775,000,
and we stay very conservative, the ENERGY LIEN may have shifted the price 5% below the asking instead of 5% above or the ‘true ‘value of her house under the current market conditions…that is at least 10% of the transaction value…Beth would have lost a potential of an extra $77,500 in real value!!

The one thing about energy is that it does not lie. You can not simply pretend that you have let your home go, but in your heart, you are still holding on to it…

By working with the energy of the house, I was able to ‘free it‘ for the time being:)

Three days after I worked at Beth’s house, and raised the energy, for the first time, she received an offer which simply amazed her, that same day, her subject line to me was: “Re: Your property OMGosh!

I’m happy to have helped!:)

This was just a few days ago, and I hope more to come, but this makes us understand how directly related your emotions, thoughts, to your actions and your reality!

Do you ever feel that you may have ‘Energy Liens’ in some aspects of your life?
(maybe those places that you find yourself over and over again, no matter how knowledgeable, talented, able you may be, how much experience you may have, how much you may know and understand, as great as it seems at first, something is holding you back, something is bringing the wrong people, something seems to sabotage your success?)

The Energy work that we learn to work with, is not only about changing your moods or your anxieties, they may be affecting every aspect of your livelihood, and you don’t even know it…

So, this is the power of inner energy, and your sensitivity, your energy can be working for you in your life, in your work, and in your business


PS: Based on this and other past case studies, we decided to run a small group (experimental) and teach some of the elements of ‘Energy Liens’ and learn how to clear them. I just announced it as an experiment, a very small group, and we have a few spots for next month in Toronto… we’re going to spend 2 full days to learn about your energy…

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this email and put “TORONTO” in the subject line, and I’ll get you all the details 🙂